Acquire - Retain – Grow

GSJ works with firms in the professional services sector with a focus on implementing real change to their business development efforts and strategy to strive for sustainable profitable growth.

The first step in this process is to Acquire your target client. 

Your business development strategy

At the heart of any acquisition strategy is an understanding of: 

  • what differentiates your firm from others; and 

  • why a client would be willing to move away from their incumbent provider to work with you. 

We have established tools and industry insight that will help you identify these so that you are strategically pursuing the right clients for the right work and not just chasing rabbits down holes – be proactive in your business development, not reactive!

GSJ services for the Acquire phase 

We offer a range of services to help your firm Acquire the clients you desire, including:

  • high level business development strategy, including an audit of existing BD activities and review of current BD resources;

  • detailed client and sector research for targeted pursuit;

  • project management of tender, pitch and bid responses; and

  • writing tender, pitch and bid responses.

Your pricing strategy

At GSJ we have significant experience working with clients around the various different pricing options they have – whether this be the dreaded billable hour, fixed fees, monthly retainers, subscription pricing, risk sharing or event-based. 

We also work with clients to ensure they have the correct leveraging structure in place to make the work they perform profitable.

The pricing option you select in the acquisition phase will not only play a crucial part in the success of your acquisition strategy, but also the ongoing success of your relationship with the client. 

Get your pricing wrong and there is likely to be resentment on the part of the client or you, over the lifetime of the work you do together.