Acquire - Retain – Grow

GSJ works with firms in the professional services sector with a focus on implementing real change to their business development efforts and strategy to strive for sustainable, profitable growth.

The last step in this process is Grow.

Grow is a critical part of your firm’s business development strategy. It is all too easy, and very often the case, that once a client has been acquired and onboarded, it is left to its own devices! When the reality is, you should always be looking to grow an account.

GSJ services for the Grow phase

We offer a range of services to help your firm Grow the clients you have successfully acquired and retained, including:

  • firm financial metrics and profitability training;

  • client profitability analysis (working with your in-house finance team);

  • matter leveraging training;

  • cross-serving/cross-selling techniques and training; and

  • competitor intelligence analysis.

The reality is professional services like law, accounting, and financial advisors are both a profession and a business. So, you always need to be focussed on how you sustainably grow your business to maximise profits to ensure the ongoing viability of the business.

We have met many a broke lawyer, accountant or other professional who was excellent at their craft. We have also met many a wealthy professional who was okay at their craft. The difference between the two was an understanding of excellent client services and how to ensure this is done profitability. 

Work with us at GSJ, and we will show you how to do both.